Punk Rock Produce

A while back, I wrote this short passage in a writing workshop:

The pineapple is punk rock produce. Its aggressive exterior, all too reminiscent of hairstyles mostly found in a mosh pit, stiffened with wax, and hardened by heart-hammering drum solos, doesn’t scream “approachable." Just as with its wild and rebellious musical counterpart, the pineapple assaults tastebuds - delightfully and dangerously.

During the workshop, we explored thoughtful ways to describe food beyond what was typical. Let’s look at two examples:

  • “The lasagna was delicious.”

  • “The lasagna clobbered me with flavor.”

Maybe a dinnertime battle with your food is too perilous for a typical weeknight…but is more interesting. The presenter also offered this advice:

Adjectives and adverbs can make your food writing worse because you can’t really describe flavor. You need to create an experience where the reader fills in the blanks.

It’s always about balance - evocative but not alienating, inspiring but not unattainable, outlandish but not ridiculous. Pineapples are an excellent balance: bristly outside, luscious inside. Eat just enough for a satisfying treat — eat too much, and you’ll be “eaten” yourself. *

*Tropical fruits contain defensive bromelain enzymes that break down proteins, which is why your mouth might be tender after you over-indulge. While living in Nicaragua and craving a treat, a friend of mine ate an entire pineapple in one sitting, causing her mouth to actually bleed. You have been warned! 😉